Have you seen this video?
My heart hurt for the Burger King employee, and he was not expecting that! We need to treat people with more kindness and respect. And especially when it comes to people in the customer service industry. They are treated so terribly by people sometimes, and it's not okay.
The video starts as the confrontation is about to end, but this allegedly began after the 21-year-old customer went off on a racist rant.
Watch the video below:
It was reported the customer in the video, Austin Addison, was picked up later and charged with harassment, disorderly conduct, and criminal mischief. Although it was reported that he was fired from his job after the incident, that's not true.
A rep from Harbor Freight Tools, where it was said Austin worked, spoke out and said they do not condone this behavior. Although Austin did work for them, he was no longer an employee of theirs before this incident.
More from TMZ.
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