Helpful Tips When Grocery Shopping! The Do's & Don'ts When Buying Food!

Photo by Martijn Baudoin on Unsplash

Obviously going to the grocery store is VERY different now, sometimes you have to wait in a line, you for sure have to wear gloves and a mask and you have to clean every item that comes into your house! But what else do you need to know about being safe while getting groceries? Here are some helpful do's and don'ts when going to the grocery store.

Try and bring your own disinfectant wipes so that you can clean carts and other surfaces. 

Don’t touch something and put it back, use the“if you touch it, it’s yours”rule.

Don't hoard! Only take what you need! Leave extra items for other shoppers who also need it!

Don’t bring your family, there should be one designated shopper.

Do have a plan for what you’re going to get. Quick shopping is the way to go, the less time you spend in the grocery store the better.

Do use sanitizer after you shop and the BIGGEST DO...wipe down your phone...OFTEN!

Cross contamination is a big thing, so think about what you're touching and what you touch next! Try and not touch your phone while shopping!

Do, Wipe down your shoes before you go into your house!

Most stores won't pack your bags if you bring your own.

If you use your own bags clean them afterwards, if you use the stores plastic or paper bags, throw them away after you unload everything!

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