Security Camera Catches Ghost At A Bar! See Video Here!

This happened Pine Tavern Restaurant in Bend, Oregon, US - if you watch the video you see a glass move on it's own! The owner says he heard about the bar being haunted but hadn't experienced anything until this day!

Some people claimed the video is fake to get more people to go to the bar!! But the owner says its not fake, in an interview with The Mirror the owner said

"There was no earthquake or someone moving a giant truck down the street. It was late at night. There might have been condensation on the bar but nothing that would make it fly like that. When the barman told me he felt as if something was in the bar, but it was only me and I was upstairs. When we checked the footage he immediately realized that's what felt. I believe in the paranormal more than I did before. I used to mock people when they said 'maybe it's the ghost of the Pine Tavern', but maybe it is! It's a super old restaurant and I'm starting to believe that there is a presence. Maybe it was one of the original owners or a really drunk, old regular who wants a beer. We've had ghost hunters calling to hunt down the ghost. Two paranormal teams are wanting to investigate. It's been a real mixed reaction. People think we're trying to trick people and other people believe it. People can decide what they want."

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