Photo: Getty Images North America
As you know 50 Cent is always working on a TV show - and he's got another one coming to Starz, it's called "BMF" (Black Mafia Family) the show is set in Detroit and based on a true story!
Now 50 Cent has revealed that he's going to have his good friend Eminem make a cameo in his show. Eminem will be playing the real life drug dealer "White Boy Rick"
"Rick Wershe Jr., aka White Boy Rick, was an FBI informant in his early teens, when he sold drugs and guns as part of a Detroit gang. By 17, however, he was dumped by the feds and arrested for cocaine possession. He was serving a life sentence in prison but was paroled and released in June 2020, at age 50."
I am wondering though, at one point in White Boy Rick's life will Eminem be portraying him. See the show "BMF" is suppose to be taking place in the 80's and at that time WBR was in his teens. So maybe Eminem will be playing an older version of him, maybe they'll be doing scenes in the present day?! Hmmm
Here's my only question, what age will Eminem be portraying White Boy Rick, the show "BMF" is suppose to be taking place in the 80's and at that time WBR was in his teens, no disr