Why Is The Popular Museum The Louvre Suing a Popular Adult Website?


Photo: AFP

The French Iconic Museum The Louvre said "NOT TODAY" to Pornhub! Basically PornHub created a "Classics Nudes Museum Guide" that recreates iconic paintings but their version.

“There’s a treasure trove of erotic art around the world – depicting nudes, orgies, and more – that’s not available on Pornhub. These pre-Internet art pieces are currently sitting in museums, which we are now finally able to start visiting again as covid restrictions are starting to lift,” said Asa Akira, Pornhub Brand Ambassador. “So as people start to head back to The Louvre or The MET, they can simply open Classic Nudes, and I’ll be their guide. Time to ditch those boring self-tour recordings and enjoy every single brushstroke of these erotic masterpieces with me.”

Basically you can't do this with certain works of art

“In Italy, the cultural heritage code provides that in order to use images of a museum, compressed works for commercial purposes, it is necessary to have the permission, which regulates the methods and sets the relative fee to be paid. All this obviously if the museum grants the authorization which, for example, would hardly have been issued in this case.”

The 2018 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo

Photo: Getty Images North America

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