Churros Cinnamon Toast Crunch Is A Real Thing!

When you think of favorite breakfast cereals Cinnamon Toast Crunch is always mentioned. Now the company that makes Cinnamon Toast Crunch is adding Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros to the mix. According to a press release, the churros will be sprinkled with cinnamon for "to deliver a sweet cinnamon flavor," but while the flavor will be cinnamon goodness the company doesn't want you to think they'll stay crunchy in milk. Cinnamon Toast Crunch makers are also bringing back a favorite, Chocolate Toast Crunch returns after a petition was launched by lovers of the cereal. The new and comeback versions of Cinnamon Toast Crunch are available for your enjoyment now. What's your favorite breakfast cereal? Do you like the variations of Cinnamon Toast Crunch or do you prefer the original? 

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