Did The NFL Just Put A Pause On Their Anthem Rule?

So back in May - the NFL decided that teams would be fined if players didn't stand during the national anthem while on the field. 

The rule basically forbids players from sitting or taking a knee if they are on the field or sideline during the anthem but allows them to stay in the locker room if they wish. The league left the punishment of players up to the teams. So the Ravens could have different punishments than the Patriots! 

This clearly did not go over well with some players and most recently one player said he would ignore the new rule and the players union filed a grievance, 

NOW the NFL has decided to pause its policy regarding the national anthem while the two sides talk. The league and NFL Players Association released a joint 

"no new rules relating to the anthem will be issued or enforced for the next several weeks while these confidential discussions are ongoing.”

Right now is the time to do this because the season hasn’t started yet - however a lot of teams have started their training camps!

So The statement says the two sides are working to find a "solution to the anthem issue through mutual, good faith commitments, outside of litigation.”

Pre-season is right around the corner and players are already showing up to training camp so hopefully they're figure something out soon.

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