Amy Cooper, the woman who spawned a viral outrage by calling the police on a black bird watcher in Central Park is apologizing for her 'Karen' moment.
After the man asked Cooper to keep her dog on its leash, she threatened to tell police "an African American man is threatening my life", then called the cops to report the man "recording me and threatening me and my dog". The video has been viewed over 21 million times.
On Monday night Cooper issued an apology for her behavior, "I sincerely and humbly apologize to everyone, especially to that man, his family" she said, "It was unacceptable and I humbly and fully apologize to everyone who’s seen that video, everyone that’s been offended…everyone who thinks of me in a lower light and I understand why they do."
"When I think about the police, I'm such a blessed person. I've come to realize especially today that I think of [the police] as a protection agency, and unfortunately, this has caused me to realize that there are so many people in this country that don't have that luxury," Cooper added.
Cooper says she was scared being alone with a man in a wooded area and told CNN that her "entire life is being destroyed right now". On Monday her employer, an investment firm, put Cooper on administrative leave ... as of Tuesday, the firm has terminated Cooper.
Do you buy Cooper's apology? Do you think she only apologized because she went viral? Does she deserve to lose her job over this incident?