DJ Lezlee

DJ Lezlee

DJ Lezlee is a mixer on REAL 92.3Full Bio


Naked Man Rescued After Spending Days Stuck Inside Walls of Movie Theater

Lone drink + candy in empty theater.

Photo: Getty Images

A Landmark Theater employee called the Syracuse fire department around 7:30 a.m. and said that they had heard a man banging on the walls and yelling for help. Firefighters drilled a hole in a wall and used a fiber-optic camera to find his exact location and the best way to free him. The 39-year-old man was rescued after the firemen cut through several layers of drywall and structural clay tile. 

Mike Intaglietta, executive director of Landmark Theater, said the man was seen wandering around the theater earlier in the week, but after losing track of his whereabouts, they assumed he had left. “I don’t know if he was entering to keep warm or to use the bathroom,” Intaglietta said. “I don’t know.” 

Syracuse Fire Deputy Chief John Kane thinks the man crawled into the space where he hid for two days before getting trapped by falling into a space in the wall of the men’s bathroom. He didn’t have any visible injuries but was taken to the hospital anyways, Kane thinks he may have suffered from dehydration. 


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