Chuck Dizzle

Chuck Dizzle

Listen to Chuck Dizzle on iHeartRadio stations across the country! Full Bio


Need To Save Money? Then Download These 4 Apps

If you are saving up for a new car, a dream vacation or even a new pair of designer shoes these are a few apps that will help get you to your goal faster.

DIGIT- this app helps you save without changing how you spend it automatically takes out tiny amounts from your bank account every day and stores it away. Set it and forget it. Until it’s time for you to use the cash.

RETAIL ME NOT- this site provides discount coupons for online and in-store shopping. The more you save when you shop the closer you move to your goal!

IBOTTA- this app saves you money automatically everytime you shop. Scan your receipt and within a week it will send you cash back on your purchases.

MINT – this is a free budgeting app. It will help you easily create a budget, track spending and manage your bills and cash.

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