Photo: Getty Images
This video has me so upset because I have a little son and if someone did this to him I'd be SOOOOO mad! How do you think it's ok to scare these little babies like this?!
A Facebook video was shared of an incident that happened at Lil' Blessings Child Care & Learning Center in Hamilton, Mississippi. Four daycare employees felt like it was a fun idea to wear a Halloween mask and yell at the children they are suppose to be caring for!
In the video you can see the kids crying and running away! The owner of the day care, Sheila Sanders said she was unaware of the situation until she saw the videos
“I contacted my licensure, and she has gotten involved,” Sanders said. “The people that did those acts are no longer with us. They were fired. I wasn’t here at the time and wasn’t aware they were doing that. I don’t condone that and never have. I just want to say it’s been taken care of.”
The Mississippi State Department of Health and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office are investigating. Liz Sharlot, director of communications at the state health department, confirmed the investigation.
Some of the parents are standing with the owner of the facility and said
“I know 100% that Ms. Sheila, the owner and director, was not aware of this situation that was going on and as soon as she found out, all parties were terminated immediately,” - “The witch hunt that has been going on for her and the other ones still here, it really needs to stop. Was the situation that did happen horrible? Absolutely. But should this daycare be shut down and others be villainized that are still here, absolutely not.”