
Airlines Might Start Weighing Their Passengers Before Flights.


I feel like this is VERY wrong and shouldn't happen. But according to reports some airlines are considering weighing their passengers before flights.

Fox Business says "Air carriers may have to update average passenger weight, according to the airline blog View from the Wing,citing a circular advisory sent out by the Federal Aviation Administration."

Apparently there will be new pending requirements that "airlines would be mandated to take surveys to set "standard average passenger weights"

Apparently the FAA is concerned that with the rise of obesity in America it impacts how much a plane weights. As you know it can't go over a certain amount and you have to factor in everything on the plane, like equipment and luggage.

So if the people are getting bigger but their still letting the passengers bring on the same size luggage the plane will get too heavy.

The FAA is concerned that the information they have on passengers is outdated and they are conducting new surveys to see.

I understand whey they would need to do this, but I think there has to be a better solution than weighing the customers, I don't even have a scale at my house because that number can be discouraging.

No word just yet on if they actually plan to do this or when.

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