So news like this has been going around for a few years but now the U.S. has proof that China has done testing on humans to try and create "biologically enhanced capabilities"
Basically trying to create Super Soldiers. Ummm we've seen this in movies guys and it hasn't always ended up going well.
So two American scholars basically explored Chinese research where they used a gene-editing tool called "CRISPR" which stands for "clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats."
It's been known to help treat genetic diseases and now it seems they're trying to use this same method in creating these super soldiers.
CRISPR has been used to treat genetic diseases and modify plants, but Western scientists consider it unethical to seek to manipulate genes to boost the performance of healthy people.
"Chinese military scientists and strategists have consistently emphasized that biotechnology could become a 'new strategic commanding heights of the future Revolution in Military Affairs,'" the scholars wrote, quoting a 2015 article in a military newspaper.