Fans seem to think that Nicki Minaj has already given birth and it's all because of a post that came from Nicki's Mom!
In her caption she says
"Is it too late to post a#WCW? Thank you@david_lachapellefor capturing my heart on the outside. Onika has always been so nurturing , caring, loving, bold, beautiful, God-fearing and selfless... motherhood already looks beautiful on you!"
It was the part where she says Motherhood already looks beautiful on you.
Normally you would say Motherhood looks beautiful on you when you see the woman with the baby! Now granted she could just mean Nicki looking pregnant!
BUT I will say this, when Nicki announced the news back in July, it looked like she was pretty far along in her pregnancy already.
Normally you'd say that after the baby is born, because you're witness
Then again, maybe Nicki is just at the end of her pregnancy! Either way we hope she's having a great pregnancy and has a beautiful birth!