Kanye had a short but impactful conversation back in June with an artist from New Zealand named Lil Mussie. Kanye was introduced to Mussie through his longtime producer Anthony Kilhoffer. Mussie and Kanye had a 15 minute Facetime call where the rappers discussed their charity work, the power of the people when it comes to activism, his music, and the idea of moving to New Zealand.
In discussing how the coronavirus was affecting New Zealand, Mussie told Kanye, “we’re super lucky, life’s pretty much normal,” to which Kanye responded, ‘I’ve heard – might have to consider moving to NZ, it’s a beautiful place’.”
Mussie says Kanye was calm during their conversation, something he was surprised by, “We’re so used to hearing him with a raised voice on social media – the real calm Kanye was so nice. I see him on social media breaking out and that’s not the guy I saw. I really feel bad watching those clips,” said the “On Me,” rapper.