I shouldn't be shocked by some of the things that come out of Donald Trump's mouth anymore - but somehow I am!
The other day while he was speaking at his rally in Tulsa he said that he told his people to slow down Covid-19 testing! Watch the video below and skip over to :36 mark and you'll hear him say it!
WHAT!!!! He legit wants them to not test as many people so that the numbers don't look bad because it makes him look bad!
But the Truth is, this virus spreads VERY fast and people are getting sick!
So you might be thinking, "He's kidding!" - "He never REALLY told them to say that!"
Well just listen to what he said this morning when he was asked if he was "Kidding!"
"I don't kid" - This guy is CRAZY!!! Then tried to justify why our names are so high, because we test so many people!
Despite having over 122K people who have passed away from Covid-19, according to studies there 6 other Countries with a higher mortality rate (Per capita) than the U.S.