Who is Jason Michael Sloan & Why Is He Wearing A Red Dress Ready To Fight?

Who the Hell is Jason Michael Sloan!? This guy is ready to either fight you or have his way with you? Alright, I guess the guy in the hat ran into this guy on his way into the gas station and said something to him. He then told him, "I'll see you when I get outside" and then this is where the video starts. The best confrontation I have ever seen since Blood In Blood Out. This dude tried to confront the tall white guy in a dress and didn't expect that energy because he got scared away. I mean you got a tall white guy in a red dress that looks like he's on drug telling you to your face 'We can go around the corner and do whatever you want" That shit would scare me, that man is scary. I don't know about you but that guy made the right move because no one wakes up and says to themselves "I feel like getting beat up by a tall white crazy guy in a dress today" Who is Jason Michael Sloan is the real question and what exotic wrestling company does he work for?

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