Lawmakers Propose Bill That Would Let Biological Fathers Stop Abortions

Two Tennessee lawmakers have introduced a bill that would allow the biological father of an unborn child to file a court injunction and prevent the mother from getting an abortion.

The bill, introduced by Republicans in both the state’s House and Senate last week, would allow a man to request an injunction barring pregnant women from obtaining an abortion for 14 days.

SB 494 states that “a person may petition a court with jurisdiction over domestic relations matters to request an injunction to prohibit a woman who is pregnant with the person’s unborn child from obtaining an abortion.”⁣

The petitioner must also prove there is a “reasonable probability” that the mother will seek an abortion prior to giving birth to the unborn child.⁣

If the woman were to violate the injunction and get an abortion, “the court may hold the respondent in civil or criminal contempt and punish the respondent in accordance with the law.”

What do you think, do you agree with this potential Tennessee bill? Let us know in the comments.

Photo by MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images

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