Tommy "Tiny" Lister, the actor known for playing Deebo in the Friday movies has died at the age of 62. Several of his friends and previous co-stars have taken to social media to pay tribute to Deebo. One of them was Ice Cube.
“RIP Tiny “Deebo” Lister,” the West Coast rapper and actor said on Instagram. “America's favorite bully was a born entertainer who would pop into character at the drop of a hat terrifying people on and off camera. Followed by a big smile and laugh. Thank you for being a good dude at heart. I miss you already.”
According to Deebo's manager, Cindy Cowan, he was found unconscious in his home on Thursday afternoon and pronounced dead at the scene. Cowan also mentioned said he was diagnosed with COVID-19 earlier this year but suddenly got sick again about a week ago.
Rest easy Tiny “Deebo” Lister.
Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)