Breonna Taylor Juror Reveals Shocking Details About Prosecutors On The Case

A woman who sat on the Breonna Taylor grand jury in September says she feels prosecutors only wanted to give the involved police officers "a slap on the wrist and close it up."

Speaking to the Associated Press on a condition of anonymity, the woman says she and her 11 co-jurors weren't even given the option to consider criminal charges against the officers who shot Taylor dead in a botched raid on her apartment.

"All of them went in blindly," she says of the March incident in Louisville. "You really couldn’t see into that lady’s apartment as they explained to us; there was just a TV on. They went in there like the O.K. Corral, wanted dead or alive."

In the end, only former officer Brett Hankison was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment for firing into a neighboring apartment.

The two officers who shot Taylor -- Jonathan Mattingly and Myles Cosgrove -- weren't charged at all.

"I felt like he was trying to throw the blame on somebody else," the juror says of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

"He made it feel like it was all our fault, and it wasn’t."

Should someone launch a new investigation into the officers' actions?

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