Dentist To Serve 12 Years In Prison After YouTube Stunt

Seth Lockhart, the Alaska dentist who thought it would be a funny idea to extract a sedated patient's tooth while on a hoverboard, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Lockhart was also pinned for Medicaid fraud, pressuring patients to undergo unnecessary sedation to milk Medicaid out of $1.9 million.

One mother testified that she was angry that Lockhart sedated her young son for a simple tooth cleaning.

The mother of that child also happens to be the same woman Lockhart pulled his hoverboard stunt on.

She had no idea Lockhart was on a hoverboard during the extraction because she was knocked out, too.

The Anchorage Daily News says the judge kept it real with Lockhart, saying, "You darn-near killed some people." Lockhart will begin serving time this December.

Have you ever had a doctor or dentist act completely reckless while caring for you or your family?

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