WATCH: Brandy Verzuz Monica + A Recap + Did You Catch The Special Guest?

Verzuz TV had Brandy and Monica on its platform on Monday night. It was definitely a much needed treat and appreciated escape from what's happening in the world today. It was incredible!

People were very interested in seeing the two together and hearing their big hits. At its peak, 1.2 million viewers were tuned in. Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris called in at the beginning to thank Brandy and Monica for their contribution to the culture and to encourage people to vote in November. In the comments, presidential nominee Joe Biden also popped up, as well as Representative Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and the woman responsible for it all, Michelle Obama.

As for the actual battle, there were 21 rounds. While people on social media will go back and forth, Billboard declared Brandy the winner. In my opinion, it was a tie ... they both came thru with the hits ...

Throughout the evening, the ladies shared stories and great music. The winners were truly the fans that tuned in. 

video courtesy of Brandy

If you missed this epic moment in hip hop & R&B history .... watch it below.

Thank you to everyone involved for making this magical night happen.

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