Analyst Says Disney Parks Might Stay Closed till 2021!! Here's Why!

At one point Disneyland was only going to be closed until March 31st, now we're not really sure when the park plans to reopen!

But now because of strict social distancing measures across the country - the parks might not be able to open until 2021!

According to a report from UBS analyst John Hodulik - they believe they won't be able to reopen until January 1st.

“Profitability will likely be impaired until there’s a vaccine,” Hodulik said. “We believe parks’ profitability will be impaired for a longer period of time given the lingering effects of the outbreak and now assume an opening date of Jan. 1 as our base case.”

Disney did say that the parks will remain closed "until further notice" and when it does reopen it will incorporate new health measures including temperature checks!

However - JPMorgan analyst Alexia Quadrani had a more optimistic outlook for Disney, predicting the reopening of its US parks as early as June.

“It’s also the date that Disney is accepting reservations,” she offered. “If you call up and you want to book a hotel at Disney World, that’s the first date you can book: June 1.”

However there are a lot of reports saying we should be careful about another surge of the virus this fall. We honestly can't expect to get back to normal until there is a vaccine.

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