Baseball Cheating Scandal - Who Else Has Been Fired? Find Out Now!

Just a couple days ago MLB announced that they found evidence that the Houston Astros cheated during the 2017 season and 2017 playoffs to go off and WIN the World Series! They fined the team 5 million dollars, took away their 1st and 2nd round draft picks for the 2021 and 2022 seasons! They also suspended the general manager and manger for the team!

Well now the Boston Red Sox announced that they've parted ways with their Manager Alex Cora. Alex worked for the Houston Astros during the 2017 and was with the Red Soxs during the 2018 when they won the World Series!

See the connection!!! Mhhhmmmm

Check out the statement from the Boston Red Sox.

Alex Cora also released a statement as well

“My two years as manager were the best years of my life. It was an honor to manage these teams and help bring a World Series Championship back to Boston. I will forever be indebted to the organization and the fans who supported me as a player, a manager and in my efforts to help Puerto Rico. This is a special place. There is nothing like it in all of baseball, and I will miss it dearly."

Hmm sounds like he's not confessing to anything right now. But MLB will figure out that soon enough.

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