If You Smoke Weed, You Might Not Like This New Device

If you clicked on this blog, you either smoke weed or you're just interested in weed stuff.

So what's going on and what are you not going to like if you smoke weed?

You know how we have a breathalyzer for alcohol? A report just came out that there is going to be a breathalyze for weed!

So for those of you who think you could get away with smoking and drive, you can't!

Don't do it! I mean, you shouldn't be doing it anyway but here's what reports say:

"An interdisciplinary team from the Department of Chemistry and the Swanson School of Engineering has developed a breathalyzer device that can measure the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in marijuana, in the user’s breath. Current drug testing methods rely on blood, urine or hair samples and therefore cannot be done in the field. They also only reveal that the user has recently inhaled the drug, not that they are currently under the influence.

The breathalyzer was developed using carbon nanotubes, tiny tubes of carbon 100,000 times smaller than a human hair. The THC molecule, along with other molecules in the breath, bind to the surface of the nanotubes and change their electrical properties. The speed at which the electrical currents recover then signals whether THC is present. Nanotechnology sensors can detect THC at levels comparable to or better than mass spectrometry, which is considered the gold standard for THC detection."

Read more here.

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