E3 Website Leaks Personal Information For Over 2,000 Journalists

The official website for E3, the world's biggest gaming convention, has leaked the personal info of 2,000 members of the media. A link was on the homepage that would open a spreadsheet with all the members info including, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

I was one of the members that was affected and received this email from the E3 Media Team:

Registered E3 Journalist – 
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) was made aware yesterday of a website vulnerability on the exhibitor portal section of the E3 website. Unfortunately, a vulnerability was exploited and that list became public. We regret this happened and are sorry.  
We provide ESA members and exhibitors a media list on a password-protected exhibitor site so they can invite you to E3 press events, connect with you for interviews, and let you know what they are showcasing. For more than 20 years there has never been an issue. When we found out, we took down the E3 exhibitor portal and ensured the media list was no longer available on the E3 website.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and have already taken steps to ensure this will not happen again.
Thank you – 
Entertainment Software Association

I will update if any more details emerge. In the meantime, check below:

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Also, submit your videos for "Game Related's Play Of The Week". If you have something you think is impressive, let me know and send me the video!

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