Should The Day We Celebrate Halloween Be Changed To A Saturday!

Last year a petition was started stating that Halloween should be celebrated on a Saturday NOT on October 31st. Well now that Halloween is a couple months away the petition is getting attention again and more people are signing it!

I love Halloween and I love to celebrate it but sometimes when it lands on a day during the week IT SUCKS!!! You want to go out, dress up and party or take your kids out but then you have to go to work or school the next day! It's not fair!

BUT if Halloween was on a Saturday every year, you wouldn't have to worry about that sort of thing!

Well now Snickers Candy Bar is backing the petition and saying IF the government changes the day we celebrate Halloween they'll give away 1 Million Snicker Bars!! If that's not incentive enough, I don't know what is!

If you want to sign the petition CLICK HERE!

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