Ron Burgundy Called The LA Kings Game Last Night

My dude, Ron Burgundy, also known as Will Ferrell who is taking acting to the next level by becoming his Anchorman character in the real world. It all started with his podcast on our iHeartRadio app and now he is calling hockey games including last night at the LA Kings game according to TMZ.

"I once saw Jeff Carter with his shirt off in the locker room ... he's got the goods."
"Cleared by the Kings! Take that, San Jose!! Zero Stanley Cups. ZERO Stanley Cups for the San Jose Sharks!!"
"Shot on goal, he scores!! Put that baby to bed without a diaper."
Bonus -- Burgundy and a burrito had a steamin' hot makeout sesh on the kiss cam."

One thing I love about Will aside from his sense of humor is his ability and passion to become his character and take it to the next level!

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