Is Post Malone Cursed?!

Now we know why Post Malone might have had all that crazy stuff around him happen! So you know - The Emergency Plane Landing, The Car Accident and then the three guys targeting him for a House Robbery! 

WELL all of this might have been caused by a CURSED Object!

I’m not even kidding! So get this, a couple months ago Post Malone filmed an episode of a show called Ghost Adventures - and there is a footage of Post fooling around with a cursed Box called the "DYBBUK Box" - In Yiddish it means Malicious Spirit!

The box actually inspired a movie called “The Possession” - it’s a wine cabinet and apparently is haunted by an evil spirit! Watch the trailer below! 

Well a couple months ago Post was on an episode of Ghost Adventures and they came across the box, check out what happened below!

Well the host of the show believes Post is being followed by the evil spirit! EKKKKKKKKKK

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