Your Boss ALWAYS Notices These Things About You

Your boss always notices the time you arrive and leave work, If you’re not sure what time is standard for your office, take a look at what time your co-workers arrive. 

Arriving with everybody else makes it hard to be singled out. Also, don’t leave work early everyday, it may signal that you’re just watching the clock.

The way you dress is also getting noticed, again look to your co-workers to make sure you’re in line with how they dress.

The way you use technology is also something that bosses pay attention to, are you using your iPhone to make personal calls or as an aid to help you work more efficiently?

How you manage your time is also a big concern for bosses, if you’re not meeting deadlines or you spend too much time on a project, you may be slowing down the entire office, be sure to stay on top of your work and get things completed in a timely manner, it could mean the difference between having a job and not having a job.

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